
Monday 12 December 2016

Walk 12th December 2016 Norbury Park - Polesden Lacey - Ranmore Common

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 12.3 km; 7.64 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 40 minutes
Young St CP (top) - Admiral's Track - Connicut Lane - Tanners Hatch - Fox Cottages - Bagden Wood - Bagden Farm - Chapelhill Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Bookham Wood - Denshire Hill - CP

This walk takes a slight variation by following a different path to that of the 8th, selecting the path to the left of Fox Cottages. You can see a clear example of a parish boundary known as a bund and ditch at TQ141511 in Bagden Wood

The walk does following in part the "Ranmore Common walk" from Polesden Lacey

                                             Parish boundary in Bagden Wood

I did find of interest the custom of beating the bounds - to walk the parish boundaries to establish / confirm certain rights with parish boundaries.

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