
Thursday 1 September 2016

Walk 31st August 2016 Friday street - Wolvens Lane - Coldharbour - Leith Hill

Start point:- TQ125457
Distance:- 10.4km; 6.46 miles
Time taken:- 3 hours 13 minutes
Friday Street CP - Stable Copse - Wolvens Lane - Crockers Farm - Leith Hill Tower - High Ashes Farm - Abinger Bottom - Friday Street - CP

This walk was lead by a member of Mole Valley Ramblers. 31 walks of varying levels 0f fitness mean that the time taken for the walk reflects the large number of people in the group. A 15 minute break is included in the total walk time.

Leith hill is owned and managed by the national trust.

Leith hill tower is an 18th century gothic tower. There are views towards London and the English Channel And standing on the top of the tower you are at the highest place in South East England.

Friday Street you will find a "hammer" pond, and was used from medieval times to the 19th century for metal work.

Wolven's Lane is a Byway open to all traffic (B.O.A.T.) depending on your mode of transport you may have differing views on the levels of rutting and mud you are likely to encounter after a wet winter walking the lane. There are walk arounds so it is possible to get less muddy and wet. In 2016 this byway was closed to vehicular traffic for repairs

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