
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Walk 12th September 2016 St Mary's Church - Sheepleas - Mountain Wood - Lovelace Bridges - NDW - Fullers farm - Cranmore school

Start point:- TQ088526
Distance:- 13.4 km; 8.33 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 50 minutes
St Mary's Church CP - Sheepleas - Green Dene CP - Mountain Wood - Sheepwalk Lane - Oaken Grove - Drove Road - Gravelhill Gate - Netley Heath - Combe Lane - Woodcote Farm - Fullers Farm - Cranmore School - CP

I decided turn towards Cranmore School rather than back to Sheepleas with a view for a slightly shorter route. This was not the case, and the walk had to cross the busy A road to Guildford twice. I concluded that there was no advantage in taking the paths to the school and it was more interesting to turn towards Sheepleas on the way back to the car

This is looking back towards Troy Bridge

This picture looks back to Heritage Bridge. Both bridges are found on Sheepwalk Lane.

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