
Saturday 23 April 2016

Walk 21st April 2016 East Clandon - Woolgars farm - NDW (West Hanger) - Clandon regis Golf course

Start point:- TQ060515
Distance 11.0 km; 6.84 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 20 minutes
East Clandon Old Epsom Road - Blake's Lane - Woolgers Farm -  Woodcote Lodge - Combe Lane - NDW (Hanger Wood) - Old Scotland Farm - Fox Way - Clandon Regis Golf Club -Old Epsom Road

I walked further along Blake's lane to Woolgars farm and took the path up towards Fullers farm to establsih if better views would be obtained using this track as opposed to route shown on the Fancyfree walks website. my conclusion is the views and interest are better using that part described in Fancyfree walks.

Again there are other small variations to be investigated.

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