
Monday, 1 February 2016

Walk 1st February 2016 Dorking Road - Mogador

Start:- TQ 227544
Distance 11.3 km, 7.02 miles
Walton-on-the-Hill - Chussex Plain - Thistle Hill - Mogador - Banstead Heath - CP

A walk from Walton-on-the hill (Dorking Road CP) to Mogador with views from the hills looking south, returning back to Banstead Heath. There were two areas of deep standing water, which could not be avoided. The locations being TQ231526; and TQ244535.
Along the walk route you will find white metal posts - these are Coal Tax posts - now listed buildings. There is a ring of these posts around London. The purpose of the posts was to give notice of where the boundary ran so that no-one could claim ignorance of liability to pay the duties. However, in general, duties were not actually collected on the boundary. Full details can be found at the following web site.

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