
Monday 4 January 2016

Walk 4th January 2016 Orestan Lane - Effingham Common - Bookham Common

Start point:- TQ108535.
Distance:- 6.77 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 26 minutes
Orestan Lane – Great Ridings Wood – Old London Road – Hook Farm – Effingham Common – Effingham Station – Norwood farm – Banks Common – Maddox Lane – Little Bookham – Manor Farm – Church – Church – Home Farm – Orestan Lane

The first walk of the year starting 1000 mile challenge.  Rained overnight so route muddy and waterlogged on Effingham Common. At least after the boots got muddy, the waterlogged grass of Effingham Common cleaned them off. To have the whole process repeated right to the end of the walk. Route Orestan lane to woodland trust to Effingham Junction via Effingham Common across to Bookham common and return. Walk based on one from Fancy Free walks website.

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