
Friday, 29 July 2016

Walk 29th July 2016 Polesden Lacey - Ranmore Common - Hogden Lane

Start point:- TQ
Distance: 12.4 km: 7.71 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 35 minutes
Polesden Lacey CP - Preserve Copse - ChapelHill Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Chapel Hill - NDW - Denbies -Ranmore Common Church - Viewpoint - Hillside path - NDW - Hogden Cottage - Hogden Lane - Big High Grove - CP

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Walk 27th July 2016 Polesden Lacey via Westhumble to Ranmore viewpoint

Start point:- TQ133523
Distance:- 14.1 km; 8.76 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 53 minutes
Polesden Lacey CP - Preserve Copse - ChapelHill Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Beechy Wood - Nicols field - Westhumble - NDW - Denbies -Ranmore Common Church - Viewpoint - Hillside path - NDW - Yewtree Farm - Big High Grove - CP

Walk 26th July 2016 Polesden Lacey - Ranmore Viewpoint

Start point:- TQ133523
Distance:- 11.4 km; 7.09 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 23 minutes
Polesden Lacey CP - Preserve Copse - ChapelHill Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Chapel Hill - NDW - Denbies -Ranmore Common Church - Viewpoint - Hillside path - NDW - Yewtree Farm - Big High Grove - CP

The hillside path is always interesting either from the views afforded looking south or the flowers and butterflies to be seen.

Among some butterflies seen in a different area on the way to Crabtree cottages I saw a Silver-washed Fritillary

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Walk 22nd July 2016 Norbury Park - Westhumble

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 15.7 km; 9.76 miles
Time taken:- 3 hours 13 minutes
Young St CP (top) - Fetcham Downs - Updown Wood - Icehouse Combe - The Priory - Lodge Farm - Nicols Field - Westhumble - NDW - Beech - Crabtree Cottages - Bookham Wood - Denshire Hill - The Hazels - CP

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Walk 19th July 2016 norbury Park to Westhumble

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 16.6 km, 10.32 miles
Time taken:- 3 hours 23 minutes
Young St CP (top) - Bocketts Farm - Fetcham Downs - Updown Wood - Icehouse Combe - The Priory - Sawmill - Chapel Hill - Beech - Chapelhill Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Bookham Wood - Denshire Hill - The Hazels - CP

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Walk 14th July 2016 Norbury Park to Polesden Lacey

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 12.9 km; 8.2 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 39 minutes
Young St CP (top) - Fetcham Downs - Updown wood - Icehouse Coombe - Norbury Park Farm - Beechy Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Chapelhill Wood - Connicut Lane - Admiral's track - The Hazels - CP

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Walk 12th July 2016 Variation in Norbury Park

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 13.8 km; 8.58 miles
Time taken 2 hours 42 minutes
Young St CP (top) - Bocketts Farm - Fetcham Downs - Updown Wood - Icehouse Combe - The Priory - Sawmill - Chapel Hill - Beech - Chapel Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Bookham Wood - Admiral's track - The Hazels - CP

There are warning signs out in Norbury park concerning Wild parsnip - if you brush against the plant it will irritate your skin and advises you to walk main paths not to venture into meadows with high grass growth

Walk 11th July 2016 Norbury Park

Start point:- TQ151548
Distance:- 13.1 km; 8.14 miles
Time taken :- 3 hours 1 minute
Young St CP (top) - Fetcham Downs - Updown Wood - Icehouse Combe - The Priory - Sawmill - Beechy Wood - Crabtree Cottages - Bookham Wood - Denshire Hill - The Hazels - CP

Friday, 8 July 2016

Walk 7th July 2016 East Clandon - Dawes Dene - Fox way - Clandon Regis golf course

Start point:- TQ060515
Distance:- 12.6 km; 7.33 miles
Time taken 3 hours 21 minutes
East Clandon Old Epsom Road - Blake's Lane - Fullers Farm - Dawes Dene - Woodcote Lodge - Combe Lane - NDW - Old Scotland Farm - Fox Way - Clandon Regis Golf Club -Old Epsom Road

There are two large fallen trees across the path after leaving Woodcote lodge. I have reported these to Surrey County Council. The vegetation on this path has also in part developed a growth spurt.

After leaving the Tillingbourne Brewery and walking through the woods to the Fox way on reaching the field, beware the holes near to the path are covered by grass and some of the cereal crop.

The footpath running down the side of the access road to the golf club was being cleared of the undergrowth and the path not taken on this walk from West Clandon church had been cleared. otherwise stinging nettles along this path would have been chest height.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Walk 1st July 2016 - St Mary's Church - Sheepleas

Start point:- TQ088526
Distance:- 13.4 km; 8.33 miles
Time taken:- 2 hours 42 minutes
St Mary's church CP - West Horsley Place - Parkrow Copse - Place Farm - Sheepleas - Beech - Hillside Farm - Woodcote Lodge - Fullers Farm - Blake's lane - Woolgar Farm - West Horsley - Cranmore School - CP